ABOUT US/ COMPANY PROFILE Baumann Propeller is the oldest and largest propeller shop in Houston. Opening its doors in 1958, Louis P. Baumann started a tradition of quality and craftsmanship that still stands today as we continue into our third generation. With 20 years of experience in the propeller industry, Louis P. left Walker Propeller and started his own company with his son Louis J. Baumann. From humble beginnings and a dedication to customer satisfaction, Baumann Propeller proudly enters its 50th year as the largest propeller shop in Texas. In 1967, Louis J. Baumann purchased the company form his father and started in a new direction. With the help of Johnny Romero, a propeller repair expert from Louisiana that specialized in larger propellers, Baumann Propeller moved into the commercial repair industry. Many of the standards, equipment and techniques used in repairing propellers today were originated during this time. Mary Baumann joined the company in 1970 and continues to run the office and day to day duties today. Mary is a main reason the company still thrives and has been the heart and soul of the business. In 1980, Baumann Propeller bought Ted Johnson's Propeller shop, bringing even more experience and innovation into the company. Over the following years, the third generation Baumann's began working at the shop. Scott Baumann joined the staff in 1981 and is now owner. Purchasing the company in 1992, Scott has dedicated his efforts into keeping up with technology by using the Hale MRI computer scanning machines. Baumann Marine has two scanners in full time use to read pitch settings to within thousands of an inch. Louis Baumann retired in 1993 after making sure the legacy would continue with the same high standards set by his father. That commitment to quality comes with the most experienced staff in Texas boasting five employees with over 25 years with the company. As Baumann Marine has moved into its third generation, propeller manufacturing has become part of our staple. With the purchase of Predator Propeller, A to Z propeller molds from Precision Propeller and the Lifter Propeller molds designed by Custom Propeller. Our ability to build a wide variety of designs is capable. All molds and dies are originals and there are no knock off copies. To go along with these, we also have our own blades designed specifically for the Gulf Coast. Baumann Marine continues to strive for the best in quality and service for our customers. While other shops may claim they are the largest in Houston, we can guarantee we are and will continue to be by taking care of you the best we can.