Dr. Nicol brings a unique skill to the practice. Combining sports massage therapy since 1985 with spinal alignment, and speciality in adjusting shoulders, elbows, wrist, hips, knees, and feet. Dr. Nicol is able to correct muscle injuries or scar tissue, restore range of motion of the muscles and joints. A Houston pain relief doctor!
Chiropractors & chiropractic services, Alternative medicine & health practitioners, Massage therapists, Nutritionists, Pain management, Custom Orthotics, Wellness Center, Fitness & excercise Programs,Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial Release, Swedish Massage, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Manual Lymph Drainage,Clinical Nutrition, Online Nutritional Supplements, Online Specials, Weight Loss Programs, Stress Relief, Relief from Food allergies, Reverse Pre-diabetes
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Massage TherapistsAlternative Medicine & Health PractitionersChiropractors & Chiropractic Services