(281) 922-5755

15255 Gulf Fwy Ste 188B
Houston, TX 77034

Brian Service and Calibration offers over?27 years of experience in the Service and Calibration Business. Our Quality Manual has been established IAW with ISO/ IEC 17025, and recieved accreditation byACLASS April 22, 2006. Our primary coverage area includes Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Lousiana, but are willing to offer our services in other areas.We perform repairs, service, calibrate and certify all makes and models of the following testers: Brinell ( portable and stationary ), Brinell Scopes, Rockwell ( portable and stationary ), Microhardness, Vickers, Equotip, Metallographs, Stereoscopes and more.We are factory representatives for a large number of hardness tester related manufacturers including, but not limited to: King Tester Corp., Sun-Tec Corp., Clark, Detroit, Newage Testing Instruments, Proceq ( Equotip ), and United Testing Systems. We also have means of acquiring used parts that are often hard to find. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail anytime.
Payment Methods
Calibration Service Testing Centers & Services
Social Links
Site: http://www.brianserviceandcalibration.com
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