CSTI acoustics offers consulting services in acoustics, noise, and vibration control for industry, architects and engineers, schools and universities, hospitals and research facilities, federal state and local governments, and individual home owners and home owner associations.
We offer reliable, timely, and professional assistance with the following types of projects
Building acoustics reverberation and echo control, sound isolation, speech privacy, mechanical noise and vibration control, and sound system design for office buildings, churches, auditoria, and residences.Community noise noise and vibration from transportation sources, nightclubs, and other neighboring facilities.Industrial acoustics documenting, evaluating, and controlling noise in industrial facilities.Infrasound measurements and control of infrasound â&euro&ldquosound below the audible range of human hearing.Legal cases involving acoustics assisting attorneys, district attorneys, and others in the evaluation of acoustical measurements, calculations, patents, and tape recordings involved in lawsuits.Literature searches compilation and evaluation of technical literature on acoustics, noise, and vibration.Product noise helping manufacturers reduce the noise of their products.Rodent housing facilities evaluating the design of rodent facilities to ensure that noise, vibration, and ultrasound do not interfere with breeding.Ultrasound measurements and control of ultrasoundâ&euro&rdquosound above 20 KHz, the upper human range of human hearing.Vibration measuring, modeling, and analyzing vibration.Acoustic Induced Vibration when the noise is so loud it shakes surfaces.
Construction ConsultantsBusiness ManagementAcoustical ConsultantsBusiness Coaches & ConsultantsProfessional EngineersAcoustical EngineersConstruction EngineersNoise Control ConsultantsSound Level Testing-IndustrialBuilding Construction Consultants