CenterPoint is a spiritually based, educational center for mind, body and spirit. Open to all, we are totally dedicated to the service of adults seeking personal growth to achieve and maintain mental, spiritual and emotional balance in their lives. We offer the community at large, free or low cost, quality classes from teachers, ministers, health professionals, therapists, professional speakers, artists, counselors and community leaders. We will always be committed to integrity and excellence in an atmosphere of Harmony and LOVE. People: People from all cultures, races and religions are welcome at CenterPoint. Teachers, speakers and facilitators at CenterPoint come from Houston and abroad, embracing a variety of disciplines and arts in the health and spiritual fields. Magazine: Centerpoint Magazine is offered as a magazine and a website. It is published monthly and distributed by mail and at retail locations dedicated to mind, body and spirit. For more information about subscribing or advertising in the journal or linking to our website, browse our site or call 713-932-7224