(832) 463-5390

13030 Player St
Houston, TX 77045

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Our grandfather began leveling homes in the 1940's and 50's, and his son continued the family business into the 1960's, 70's and 80's. Today's owners represent the 3rd generation of foundation repair professionals. Our methods of repair have changed over the years, as technology advances, but one thing will never change - our commitment to provide honest, reliable service, at a reasonable price.
Please give us an opportunity to earn your business.
Dura Lock Reinforced Pilings, Deep Drilled Bell Bottom Piers, Slab and House Raising, Pier and Beam Leveling, Tunneling, Dura Thane Urethane Injections and Mud Pumping for Slab Raising and Stabilization. Full Service Under-Slab Sewer Testing and Repair Property Mangers Welcome Root Barriers, French and Yard Drain Solutions, Brick and Mortar Repair, Epoxy Injections and Coatings, Re-Leveling Old Piers From Other Companies, Breaking Loose, Cutting, and Re-Shimming Builders Piers, Full Service Cleanup Including Plastic Protection For Walls and Contents, Re-Stretch Carpets, Crafted Wood Floor Re-Lays, Adjusting Doors, Special Care For Lawns and Shrubs, Sprinkler Responsibility. Realtors, Property Managers, and Engineers recommend Dura Pier more than any other Foundation Repair Company. Find out why.
Sewer Contractors House & Building Movers & Raising Foundation Contractors Leak Detecting Service Building Contractors Building Specialties Plumbers
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