(281) 901-5554

5100 Westheimer Rd Ste 200
Houston, TX 77056

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun | Open 24 Hours

Energy Specialists performs a comprehensive scope of services for projects in oil and gas exploration, underground storage, above ground storage, pipelines, pump stations, compressor stations, terminals, marine loading and unloading facilities, transportation systems, truck and rail loading, telecommunications and electric power industries.We have integrated experienced consulting engineering services with geology and geophysics expertise to provide uniquely qualified teams for underground storage projects, pipeline design and other hydrocarbon transportation projects.
Consulting Engineering , Geology and Geophysics, Integrated Project Management, Construction Management, Resource Provision, Detailed Design and Drafting, GIS Data, GIS Mapping, Start Up & Commissioning, Operator Training, Forensic Engineering, QA/QC, Inspection , Feasibility Studies, CAPEX and OPEX estmates, Front End Engineering Design, Detailed Engineering Design, Construction Management, Operator Training., 24 hour Emergency Service,Consulting Engineering , Geology and Geophysics, Integrated Project Management, Construction Management, Resource Provision, Detailed Design and Drafting, GIS Data, GIS Mapping, Start Up & Commissioning, Operator Training, Forensic Engineering, QA/QC, Inspection , Feasibility Studies, CAPEX and OPEX estmates, Front End Engineering Design, Detailed Engineering Design, Construction Management, Operator Training., 24 hour Emergency Service
Consultants Referral Service Professional Engineers Construction Consultants Industrial Consultants
Social Links
Email: michaelfeltpe@gmail.com
Site: http://www.nrgspecialists.com
Google Maps