(832) 598-0470

363 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 380
Houston, TX 77060

Far East Energy Corporation, also known as FEEC, has been in oil and gas exploration, development and production business since 2001. It develops natural gas and coal bed methane as energy resources. The company maintains operational plants in Texas, as well as Beijing, Kunming and Taiyuan City in China. Through a product sharing contract with China United Coalbed Methane Company, it develops coal bed methane from a total area of more than 1,000 square kilometers, as well as its joint venture area contains a total of over 5 trillion cubic feet of methane gas. Far East Energy Corporation additionally maintains horizontal drilling operations in coal seam up to the depth of nearly 7,100 meters.
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Social Links
Email: investorrelations@fareastenergy.com
Site: http://www.fareastenergy.com
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