(713) 629-1534

1800 West Loop S # 1980
Houston, TX 77027

Regular Hours
Mon - Thu | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri | 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

*Bob Frater, CFP® *Christopher M. Brown, CFP® *Robert H. Hampton, CFP® *N. Rich Welsh, CFP® *Richard Hollis MBA Securities offered through SagePoint Financial, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Houston Asset Management, Inc., a registered investment advisor not affilitated with SagePoint Financial, Inc. Fixed and/or traditional insurance services offered through Investment Marketing Resources, LP, a company not affiliated with SagePoint Financial or registered as an investment advisor. N. Rich Welsh offers investment advisroy services through SagePoint Financial, Inc., a registered investment advisor.
We provide comprehensive financial planning services and investment management programs to individuals, businesses, pensions and profit sharing plans, trusts and estates, and charitable organizations. Whether you are in the process of building your wealth, nearing retirement, living in retirement, or preparing wealth transfers, we can customize our services to incorporate your personal goals and financial objectives.
Financial Planners Financial Planning Consultants Investment Advisory Service Retirement Planning Services Investments Financial Services Investment Management
Social Links
Site: http://www.houstonassetmgmt.com
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