(713) 538-6984

5410 Burr Oaks
Houston, TX 77092

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
Sat | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Our Auto Mobile Dealership Technician Owned Shop, we take pride in providing our customers with top-quality products and excellent service. Houstons mobile auto rescue uses the top brand names in parts, batteries, and fluids to keep your car running smoothly.We are a highly professional, honest, reliable, ASE Certafied, fast and affordable Tek company with over 15 years of experience. In addition, our mechanics will educate you on your cars' needs so that your vehicle will run perfectly for years. We also provide one year of warranty. By the end of the day Houstons Mobile Auto Rescue provides our customers to leave comfortable and confident with all repairs done.If you cant come to the shop no worries!! We come to YOU! With our highly Mobiles technicians we are ready to service your car.
BRAKE REPAIRSPads, Shoes, Wheel CylindersMaster Cylinders, BoostersCLUTCH & GEAR BOX REPAIRSClutch Kits, Slave Cylinders,Master Cylinders, Clutch CablesCARBURETOR &FUEL INJECTION REPAIRSPumps, Throttle Body, Rails, InjectorsInjector Pumps, Primer Pumps & OverhaulsREPLACEMENTSStarter Motor, Alternator & BatteryOVERHEATING PROBLEMSRadiators, Cooling Hoses, Thermostats, Waterpumps, Welsh PlugsCYLINDER HEAD & ENGINE REPAIRSValves, Pistons, Bearings, Rings etc.EXHAUST REPAIRSEngine Pipes, Mufflers, Catalytic ConvertorsSUSPENSION REPAIRSSprings, Shockers, Strutts, Leaf SpringsAIR CONDITIONING REPAIRSRegas, Retrofits, Compressors,TX Valves, Condensors
Payment Methods
Auto Repair & Service Automobile Electric Service Automotive Roadside Service Automotive Tune Up Service Automobile Machine Shop
Social Links
Email: houstonsmobileautorescue@yahoo.com
Site: http://www.wix.com/houstonsmobileauto/anthony
Google Maps