(713) 590-2824

2100 West Loop S Ste 1601
Houston, TX 77027

Layton Energy Corporation is a privately held company primarily engaged in the upstream oil & gas industry. The Company has interests both domestically and internationally, on and offshore. Layton is committed to the development of crucial energy resources worldwide. Layton's most valuable asset is its people. The Company's senior management team has over 75 years of combined experience including almost every facet of the oil & gas industry, operating everywhere from extreme desert conditions to jungles and deep offshore waters. Equally important is their financial success. The senior management team collectively has created over 2 billion dollars of shareholder value as members of various senior management teams over the last decade. The company's commitment to excellence begins with our people. By finding the most talented, embracing the entrepreneurial spirit, and supplying the best technology Layton Energy excels in the global search for oil and gas. Layton Energy is a unique company committed to our people, to long term growth and to strong fiscal governance. We are the next generation oil company and we thank you for you interest.
Energy Management Systems
Energy Conservation Products & Services
Social Links
Email: prospect@laytonenergy.com
Site: http://www.laytoncorporation.com
Google Maps