(713) 944-5257

9125 Airport Blvd
Houston, TX 77061

Regular Hours
Mon - Sat | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sun | Closed

Lewis Construction has been in operation since 1991. We have kept the same name and phone number since the first day of operation. We are a business that takes pride in the work we do. We do not cut corners by using a lesser grade of materials. We specify on the written contract of any job what we are doing the types of materials that will be used. We stand behind everything that we do.
Custom Patio Covers Bathroom Remodeling Additions Siding Carpentry Concrete Kitchen Remodeling Enclosures Painting Roofing Power Washing From Design to Completion We Do It ALL We Do Customized Custom Built Patio Covers With brick or stone columns, hardi siding or brick siding. Running all electrical needed. Any type of flooring and painting. Kitchen Addition or Complete Remodeling With custom cabinets or prefab cabinets set. Stained or painted cabinets. With Granite, Stone, Laminate or Tile counter tops. Any type of flooring. Also installing all appliances Bathroom Addition or Complete Remodeling From complete gutting the bathroom and replacing it all or just face lift Additions From adding complete new room or enclosing a garage, to adding a new bedroom. We can do it all Windows Installing new energy efficient windows helping you save money,Custom Patio Covers Bathroom Remodeling Additions Siding Carpentry Concrete Kitchen Remodeling Enclosures Painting Roofing Power Washing From Design to Completion We Do It ALL We Do Customized Custom Built Patio Covers With brick or stone columns, hardi siding or brick siding. Running all electrical needed. Any type of flooring and painting. Kitchen Addition or Complete Remodeling With custom cabinets or prefab cabinets set. Stained or painted cabinets. With Granite, Stone, Laminate or Tile counter tops. Any type of flooring. Also installing all appliances Bathroom Addition or Complete Remodeling From complete gutting the bathroom and replacing it all or just face lift Additions From adding complete new room or enclosing a garage, to adding a new bedroom. We can do it all Windows Installing new energy efficient windows helping you save money
Payment Methods
Patio Covers & Enclosures Bathroom Remodeling Home Improvements Home Repair & Maintenance Kitchen Planning & Remodeling Service Altering & Remodeling Contractors Building Contractors Siding Contractors
Social Links
Email: [email protected]
Site: http://www.yourcompletehomecare.com
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