(713) 672-6679

5001 Oates Rd
Houston, TX 77013

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Established in 1940, Lodge Lumber Co. is a certified Small Business Enterprise that makes available forestry products to its customers. The firm offers a wide array of products, including yellow pine plywood, composite material, building materials, chamfer, board road, plyform, shipping saddles, lodge poles, hardwood timbers and many kinds of lumber. Lodge Lumber Co. is one of the largest distributors of forestry products for commercial industrial use in the Southwest. The firm possesses a vast inventory that is equipped to handle all kinds of orders.
Lumber Hardwoods Lumber-Wholesale Building Materials Sawmills Wood Products Hardware Stores
Social Links
Email: [email protected]
Site: http://www.lodgelumber.com
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