(713) 953-9292

800 Gessner Rd Ste 800
Houston, TX 77024

MCX Exploration (USA), a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, serves as a consultant for various exploration and production activities of its parent company in the United States. MCX Exploration (USA) focuses on acquiring properties located in the Gulf of Mexico that contain proved and undeveloped resources. Its sister companies include MCX Gulf of Mexico and MCX Texas that owns various oil and gas assets in the United States. MCX Exploration (USA), in partnership with its sister companies, own more than 35 leased properties in the Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico that produces approximately 7,000 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) per day.
Oil & Gas Exploration & Development Oil Field Service
Social Links
Site: http://www.mcexploration.com/en/index.html
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