Navigators Insurance Services of Texas is a division of The Navigators Group, which is an international insurance holding company with insurance company operations and underwriting management companies. It primarily underwrites marine insurance and related lines of business, contractor's general liability and professional liability insurance. Navigators Insurance Services of Texas produces, manages and underwrites insurance and reinsurance business for the group. It provides marine liability coverage that protects business from liability to third parties for bodily injury and property damage resulting from marine-related operations. Additionally, it insures physical damage to offshore oil platforms and operations related to oil exploration and production. Navigators Insurance Services of Texas is located in Houston.
General InfoNavigators Insurance of Texas is a division of The Navigators Group, which is an international insurance holding company with insurance company operations and underwriting management companies. It primarily underwrites marine insurance and related lines of business, contractor's general liability and professional liability insurance. Navigators Insurance of Texas produces, manages and underwrites insurance and reinsurance business for the group. It provides marine liability coverage that protects business from liability to third parties for bodily injury and property damage resulting from marine-related operations. Additionally, it insures physical damage to offshore oil platforms and operations related to oil exploration and production. Navigators Insurance of Texas is located in Houston.,Navigators Insurance of Texas is a division of The Navigators Group, which is an international insurance holding company with insurance company operations and underwriting management companies. It primarily underwrites marine insurance and related lines of business, contractor's general liability and professional liability insurance. Navigators Insurance of Texas produces, manages and underwrites insurance and reinsurance business for the group. It provides marine liability coverage that protects business from liability to third parties for bodily injury and property damage resulting from marine-related operations. Additionally, it insures physical damage to offshore oil platforms and operations related to oil exploration and production. Navigators Insurance of Texas is located in Houston.