(713) 429-6000

2603 Augusta Dr Ste 600
Houston, TX 77057

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Patient Accounts Services and its healthcare clients share a common interest: courteous and professional approach to patient services. Together we strive to effectively resolve patient accounts, while setting the standards of exceptional patient and client satisfaction. Patient Accounts Services call processing and patient focused account resolution significantly improves patient satisfaction while resolving both ordinary and hard to collect accounts.
General InfoPatient Accounts and its healthcare clients share a common interest courteous and professional approach to patient services. Together we strive to effectively resolve patient accounts, while setting the standards of exceptional patient and client satisfaction. Patient Accounts call processing and patient focused account resolution significantly improves patient satisfaction while resolving bothordinary andhard to collect accounts.,Patient Accounts and its healthcare clients share a common interest courteous and professional approach to patient services. Together we strive to effectively resolve patient accounts, while setting the standards of exceptional patient and client satisfaction. Patient Accounts call processing and patient focused account resolution significantly improves patient satisfaction while resolving bothordinary andhard to collect accounts.
Collection Systems Billing Service Business Consultants-Medical Billing Services Collection Agencies
Social Links
Email: marketing@pascentral.com
Site: http://www.pascentral.com
Google Maps