(281) 416-9767

15915 Bunker Ridge Road
Houston, TX 77053

All are welcome. We are a progressive inclusive apostolic pentecostal holiness commandment keeping fellowship. We teach the apostles' doctrine, the oneness of the Almighty of Israel, we honor and recognize the Sacred name of Yahweh, who is the holy One of the Hebrews, the virgin birth, the original seventh day Sabbath, the observance of the New Moons, Feast days and the dietary covenant. Wepractice water baptism in Yahshua's name, believe in the fruits, gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit. The end time events such as the tribulation and great tribulation, second coming of Yahshua Messiah, the Millenial Kingdom on Earth, the resurrection of both righteous and wicked dead who now sleep in the graves until the return of the Messiah Yahshua, the power of the blood of Yahshua Messiah to save all who will believe and repent. The headship of man in the apostolic assembly and the home with women helping through the Holy Spirit. In unconditional love and redemption to all mankind made possible by the atoning blood of the Messiah at Calvary. The use of tithes and offerings to supply the needs of the assembly where Yahweh's people meet. The ministry of women of teaching the children and as prophetesses in the work of Yahweh assisting their individual husband.
Weseek to provide references to freecommunity servicesfor health, clothing, food, education, housing and places whereemployment training and referrals are provided.
Payment Methods
Apostolic Churches Religious Organizations Messianic Synagogues Seventh Day Churches Holiness Pentecostal Churches
Social Links
Site: http://www.ruachcommunity.webs.com
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