(713) 845-7472

2700 Berkley St
Houston, TX 77012

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

George Sanchez Elementary School enrolls more than 500 students in prekindergarten through grade five. The school s academic curriculum includes programs in reading, writing, Spanish, mathematics, science, language arts and social studies. It additionally conducts classes in health, physical, career and technology education. George Sanchez Elementary School offers English as a Second Language, Title I and bilingual programs, as well as gifted and talented education. Its staff is comprised of counselors, speech therapists and special education teachers. In addition, the school offers various school-based programs to its students. George Sanchez Elementary School is located in Houston and is a part of the Houston Independent School District.
Elementary Schools Schools Public Schools Preschools & Kindergarten
Social Links
Email: jherrera@houstonisd.org
Site: http://houstonisd.org
Google Maps