(713) 380-0780

1302 Waugh Dr Ste 661
Houston, TX 77019

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sat | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm

Global Recruiting and Staffing Contingency Firm Headquartered in Houston, Texas USA
Sigma Penrose International. LLC ("SIGMAPENROSE") is a global executive search firm headquartered in the US' "energy capital of the world" in Houston. Texas. Cooperating offices are represented in Canada. United kingdom. And AUSTRALIA. "SIGMAPENROSE" is dedicated to the worldwide search and placement of HIGH-DEMAND geoscientists within the energy sector. With emphasis on the OIL and GAS industry (O&G) and specializing in positions within the upstream and focusing on the geology and geophysics (G&G) components of the geosciences. This includes ALL geologists AT ALL experience levels including intern geologists. Entry level geologists. Senior geologists. Development geologists. Production geologists. Reservoir geologists. Exploration geologists. Directors of geology. Executive geologists. Geology teachers. And geology professors. This Also applies to ALL geophysicists representing the geophysics. In addition. SIGMAPENROSE works GIS analysts. GEOTECHS. Geoscience technicians. And many more. . For additional information please follow US on twitter "UPSTREAMRECRUITER" @SIGMAPENROSE and "GEOSCIENCERECRUITER @SIGPENINTL. Visit or WEBSITE and chat with a recruiting consultant or for email US AT INFO@SIGPENINTL. COM. OUR goal is to stand OUT for by being the most technologically advanced when SOURCING candidates and providing them a simple transition to their NEW JOB. The service guarantee provided to OUR clients with BE ONE that OUR competition will have to follow suit. SP.,AssociationsHouston Area Association of Personnel Consultants (HAAPC) National Association of Personnel (NAPS),Houston Area Association of Personnel Consultants (HAAPC) National Association of Personnel (NAPS)
Employment Agencies Employment Contractors Temporary Employment Agencies
English German Japanese Spanish
Social Links
Email: contact@sigmapenrose.com
Site: http://sigmapenrose.com
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