(713) 781-1642

5757 Woodway Dr
Houston, TX 77057

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Founded in 1967, Tanglewood Homes Association ( THA ) was chartered as a legal entity for the benefit of the owners of all residential property within the Tanglewood subdivision. Primary functions of THA include maintenance of all common areas such as entrances and medians ; collection of maintenance and service fees ; administration of 24-hour neighborhood security patrol ; enforcement of deed restrictions for the subdivision ; and administration of private trash and garbage collection. The enforcement of deed restrictions is one of the most important functions of THA. Strict adherence to the restrictions by all property owners for each of the nineteen sections of Tanglewood is vital to maintaining the neighborhood's quality. THA is governed by an elected board of directors composed of nine Tanglewood homeowners. The election for new directors is held at THA's annual meeting in January. An annual report is presented at this meeting and board members and staff are available to answer questions. All property owners are invited and encouraged to attend.
Associations Social Service Organizations Business & Trade Organizations
Social Links
Email: billroe@ev1.net
Site: http://www.chiropractic-bi.com
Google Maps