(713) 523-3633

3636 W Dallas St
Houston, TX 77019

Regular Hours
Mon - Thu | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri | 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Established in 1947, Center for Hearing and Speech offers education and services for children with hearing impairments. The center operates the Melinda Webb School that offers auditory and oral education for children of ages 18 months through 7-years. Its daily curriculum includes auditory training, language development, speech, and academic sessions. The audiology clinic at the Center for Hearing and Speech provides hearing, hearing aid, and cochlear implant services to children from birth to 20 years. Speech and language pathologists at the Center for Hearing and Speech are qualified to help children with hearing impairments learn to listen, and talk to their maximum potential. The center also provides various family services, such as play therapy, individual and family counseling, assessments, social groups and classroom observations, and parenting classes and activities. Center for Hearing and Speech is located in Houston.
Hearing Loss Tinnitus Treatments
Audiologists Hearing Aids & Assistive Devices Speech-Language Pathologists Clinics Hearing Aids-Parts & Repairing Hearing & Sound Level Testing
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