(713) 869-3761

6800 Helmers St
Houston, TX 77022

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Founded in 1926, The Detering Company is a manufacturer of a variety of lumber. It provides various services that include packaging, distribution and warehousing. The company provides a range of hardwood products, such as interior and exterior doors, plywood, vinyl windows, stair parts, cabinets, columns and wooden parts. Its areas of operation include molding, sawmilling, kiln drying, casing, fabrication, manufacturing, finishing and logistic management. The company supplies finished products in a variety of lumber that include ash, basswood, beech, cherry, hickory, maple, poplar, oak and walnut. The company provides its services and products to a range of customers, including furniture contractors, architects, designers and homeowners through a network of distributors, suppliers and retailers. It is located in Houston.
Payment Methods
Brick-Clay-Common & Face Building Materials
Social Links
Site: http://www.detering.com
Google Maps