(713) 667-5700

6220 Elm St
Houston, TX 77081

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri | 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sat | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

TreeSource Wholesale Nursery is one of the leading wholesale nurseries in Houston. The company offers an array of shrubs, trees, plants and palms. Located in Houston, Texas, it stocks an extensive range of trees, palms, shrubs, perennials, seasonal color, ground cover, bag. It also offers bulk mulch, soil and hard goods. TreeSource Wholesale Nursery serves the landscape contractors, architects and environmental designers. It has a collection of live oaks, red oaks and magnolias. Additionally, it features Azaleas, Loropetalum, dwarf Yaupons, Hollies and Indian Hawthorns.
Nursery Stock
Payment Methods
Nursery-Wholesale & Growers Landscape Contractors Garden Centers Nursery & Growers Equipment & Supplies
Social Links
Email: [email protected]
Site: http://treesourcewholesale.com
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