(713) 672-7295

2222 North Wayside Drive
Houston, TX 77020

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun | Open 24 Hours

Container freight management services for incoming freight & container shipments for customs brokers & import freight forwarders. World Trade Distribution has a bonded freight warehouse station, offers drayage & trucking logistics support, & containerization services for forwarders and import brokers in Houston, Texas and all along the Texas Gulf Coast and international border to Mexico.
Freight management services include: US Customs Central Exam (CES) with 24 hour S903 Guarantee, overweight containers & handling, container loading & unloading, freight handling, secure freight warehousing, customs bonded freight trucks, and containerization services (consolidating & de-consolidating) to and from the Port of Houston; BNSF; & UPRR transportation.
World Trade Distribution also offers international freight handling as well as delivery and pickup services using some of the lightest Kenmore trucks in the country.
World Trade Distribution Inc. is Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited and a member of the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America (NCBFAA).
Additional Certifications Include:TWICCESHAZMATTABCPTTGOFCL LCL
The Most Complete Line of Freight Management in Texas & Beyond,The Most Complete Line of Freight Management in Texas & Beyond,Container freight handling services for importers & freight forwarders including
Freight Management 24 Hour CES InspectionOverweight ContainersDrayageContainer Freight ConsolidationContainer Freight De-ConsolidationContainerizationLoading & Unloading Incoming Freight ContainersUS Customs Examinations &InspectionsHoustonCentralized Examination Station (CES)Boxing & Bracing FreightCrating & SkiddingS903 24 Hour CES GuaranteeOverweight Container ManagementWarehouse Entry Freight Inbond FreightCustoms Bonded TrucksCustoms Bonded Warehouse YardHeavy & Out of Gauge Cargo ManagementProjectCargo Heavy, Open-Top & SpecialTrucking & Intermodal Drayage with UPRR & BNSF RailroadsPort of Houston Freight to CESFCL & LCL Import Cargo
Licenses & PermitsTWICHAZMATTABCSuper Heavy Weight PermittedCESMembers of theUIIA Permit to Transfer (PTT)Go Order (GO) OperatingUS Customs-Bonds World TradeDistribution

World Trade Distribution operates under the following U.S. Customs BondsClass 3Bonded public container & freightwarehouse used exclusively for the temporarystorage of imported merchandise.Class 4Bonded heavy &bulky imports storage.Class 8Bonded warehouseclean,sort, repack,or changing condition of merchandise, but notmanufacturing of imported merchandise, under direct supervision ofUSCustoms.Class 11Bonded warehouse storingGeneral Order (GO) merchandise, freight, and imports.,Container freight handling services for importers & freight forwarders including
Freight Management 24 Hour CES InspectionOverweight ContainersDrayageContainer Freight ConsolidationContainer Freight De-ConsolidationContainerizationLoading & Unloading Incoming Freight ContainersUS Customs Examinations &InspectionsHoustonCentralized Examination Station (CES)Boxing & Bracing FreightCrating & SkiddingS903 24 Hour CES GuaranteeOverweight Container ManagementWarehouse Entry Freight Inbond FreightCustoms Bonded TrucksCustoms Bonded Warehouse YardHeavy & Out of Gauge Cargo ManagementProjectCargo Heavy, Open-Top & SpecialTrucking & Intermodal Drayage with UPRR & BNSF RailroadsPort of Houston Freight to CESFCL & LCL Import Cargo
Licenses & PermitsTWICHAZMATTABCSuper Heavy Weight PermittedCESMembers of theUIIA Permit to Transfer (PTT)Go Order (GO) OperatingUS Customs-Bonds World TradeDistribution

World Trade Distribution operates under the following U.S. Customs BondsClass 3Bonded public container & freightwarehouse used exclusively for the temporarystorage of imported merchandise.Class 4Bonded heavy &bulky imports storage.Class 8Bonded warehouseclean,sort, repack,or changing condition of merchandise, but notmanufacturing of imported merchandise, under direct supervision ofUSCustoms.Class 11Bonded warehouse storingGeneral Order (GO) merchandise, freight, and imports.,Freight Management 24 Hour CES InspectionOverweight ContainersDrayageContainer Freight ConsolidationContainer Freight De-ConsolidationContainerizationLoading & Unloading Incoming Freight ContainersUS Customs Examinations &InspectionsHoustonCentralized Examination Station (CES)Boxing & Bracing FreightCrating & SkiddingS903 24 Hour CES GuaranteeOverweight Container ManagementWarehouse Entry Freight Inbond FreightCustoms Bonded TrucksCustoms Bonded Warehouse YardHeavy & Out of Gauge Cargo ManagementProjectCargo Heavy, Open-Top & SpecialTrucking & Intermodal Drayage with UPRR & BNSF RailroadsPort of Houston Freight to CESFCL & LCL Import Cargo
Licenses & Permits
Payment Methods
Container Freight Service Packing & Crating Service Trucking Local Trucking Service Trucking-Motor Freight
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Social Links
Email: info@wtcfs.com
Site: http://www.wtcfs.com
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