(281) 586-7600

17750 Cali Dr
Houston, TX 77090

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun | Open 24 Hours

Serving Houston and the surrounding communities, Cypress Creek Hospital is a fully-accredited, 96-bed acute care facility providing quality care and assistance for adolescents, ages 13-17, and adults in need of psychiatric care and treatment for substance abuse. Cypress Creek Hospital offers a broad range of inpatient, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient services for adolescents and adults suffering from mental illness orchemical dependency.
Our physician-directed staff of registered nurses, social workers, therapists, mental health technicians and certified alcohol and drug abuse counselors will bring both skill and compassion to the individualized treatment program for both patient and family.
Cypress Creek also offers individual and group therapies including family therapy, recreational therapy, activity therapy and art therapy.
We provide a Partial Hospitalization Program, an Intensive Outpatient Program as well as an Adult Therapy Program, Electroconvulsive Therapy, and a Chemical Dependency Intensive Outpatient Program.
Free assessments are available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Call our Admissions Department at (281) 586-5956 to learn more.
Cypress Creek Hospital is designed for treatment of adolescents, ages 13 - 17, and adults, ages 18 and older, requiring acute or outpatient psychiatric care or substance abuse treatment.
An interactive hospital community revolves around personal accountability, leadership, group support and social skills. Included in all of our program services is an individualized treatment plan developed by our interdisciplinary team of professionals which include physicians, nurses, licensed therapists and mental health associates. These professionals join with family and a positive peer culture to lead, guide and create an interactive and flexible environment for change.
Our treatment plans and therapeutic assignments are individualized and based on each person's abilities and needs. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact us.
To contact our Admissions department, please call (281) 586-5956.
Mental Health Services
Social Links
Site: http://www.cypresscreekhospital.com
Google Maps