Get top Houston attorney representation at affordable rates by an experienced trial lawyer who works for you! Call for a free consultation directly with the attorney, Myron Davis, in our downtown Houston, Tx office or we'll come to you. Areas of practice include criminal law, personal injury, auto and 18 wheeler truck accidents, DUI DWI, and much more. Get the attention your case deserves, with rates you can afford. For personal injury cases, we don't get paid unless you collect.
Affordable legal rates for top Houston attorney representation for PERSONAL INJURY 18-wheeler and car wrecks, serious injury, wrongful death, burn victims, injury due to negligence. CRIMINAL LAW drug offenses, wrongful arrests innocent until proven guilty, family violence, aggravated robbery, aggravated assault, kidnapping, forgery, check fraud, sexual offenses, burglary, and unlawful body armor. DUI standardized field sobriety test, breath test refusal, blood alcohol level, total refusals, intoxication assault, DUI accidents, manslaughter, occupational licenses, ALR/ Administrative License Revocation.